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Sport Injuries And Corrective Exercise

125 training hours

Sports injuries Specialist Course

Corrective Exercise Course

2 courses in one !

Become a Certified coach by FET Academy  – UAE REPS 16 CPD Points_NASM_AFAA


Sports injury specialist:

1-A qualitative course that support the physical therapy and sports rehabilitation sector . It aims the followings :

Coaches , athletes, therapists and people who are interested in the injuries and rehabilitation f to qualify and treat sports injuries in all forms.


2-Follow up the appropriate training protocol for each case after the approved medical diagnosis.


3-Practice the right steps to treat acute and chronic injuries


4-Understanding the types of injuries , their levels ,how to evaluate them and  how to create a rehabilitation treatment program through a deep understanding of the types of correct training methods that used until the patient reaches full recovery and returns to normal life


Corrective Training Specialist:


1-Focuses on foundational diagnosis to solve deep muscle problems through which most of the incisive problems are caused


2-How to solve it through multiple types of diagnosis and training together and a deep understanding of the wrong life practices and adapting the body to find a motor balance in one way or another.


3-Finding weaknesses of the joints and muscles , then qualifying them to get rid of any imbalances that may lead to injuries and chronic mothers

Learning tools:

The program has two professional study platforms

  1. The distance continuous education platform that enables the trainer to enter as a reference for the manufacture and follow-up of training programs for clients
  2. Instant study platform which the trainer can enter and study at all times and provide the test
  3. Meeting via Zoom or Teams l- duration of each meeting 4 hours of study – to explain the training points in practical application
  4. Full training hours are : 60
  5. Ready templates and tables specially designed for immediate use
  6. Professional application platform Free use for two months to book appointments with customers and send exercises effortlessly remotely or in attendance

 Courses price : SAR 2500 (tabby instalment)

For enquiry and registration :